2012 m. spalio 8 d., pirmadienis

Random things, happened to me in August and September :)


So sorry for my recent MIB (missing in blogging)!!! It was for two reasons. The first reason is, I was so busy with that 'fever of getting ready for new school year and fitting in'! :( And the second reason is, I received NO letters since August!!! :( I think it was because of holidays. But now, as it is October, the season of snail mail officially started :D

In August, I had a big shopping for new school year. It took 5 days to buy all the stuff!.. I bought a new school bag, some new clothes and so on, so on...I went by sea. I went to Pervalka :) I received no letters in August, as I've mentioned before.

In September, I had my time to fit in. My teachers gave us SO much homework from the firts day!!! I felt like in the middle of second term >.< I had no time to enjoy my hobbies and else because of that all fitting in and homeworks.

As it's October now, I've fitted in, know my agenda and... have even more homework! >.< And I received two letters last week. (FINALLY!!!)

The first is from Bahrain by Yasmin! <3

And the second is from Australia by Alexandra <3

Today, I sent letters to:

Kätlin from Estonia;
Jamie from Canada;
Julia and Claudia from Poland;
Rialy from Madagascar;
Amanda from Taiwan. 

Hope you'll all receive it soon!

That's it for now, have a lovely day! :)